NIMFAMONEY the best investment right now

Nimfamoney is the world's first cryptocurrency loan platform. Here you can borrow a NIMFA token at a zero interest rate, use it to buy tokens from other blockchain companies coming to ICO, or directly on the exchange. You only pay for access to the ICO market and cryptocurrency + 10% of your profit at closing position.

You do not need to sell your house, take out a loan in a bank, borrow money from your friends, call your brother in the middle of the night with a request to lend you several thousand to buy tokens from a company Started
ICO in just one hour.

All you need to do is participate in NIMfamoney ICO, get NIMFA tokens, and after our ICO you can get a loan three times greater than the amount of all NIMFA tokens you'll get on our ICO. This is not a joke.

Every NIMFA you purchase at ICO in August 2017 allows you to borrow a token to participate in a new ICO or to trade on the exchange without verification and denial of either of us or any third party. All these things are available in just minutes! P.S. This procedure is 100% decentralized!

How does it work ?
Nimfamoney's Cryptococcus is successful and will double your personal profit to participate in the ICO Blockchain-company and trade in the stock before 2018! Suppose you buy 1000 NIMFA tokens at ICO (1 NIMFA = $ 5), and after ICO you can borrow 3000 NIMFA tokens to buy other companies' tokens at ICO and on the exchange.

To get a loan of 3000 NIMFA (1 NIMFA = $ 5), you must deposit 3.3% of the loan amount to gain access to Nimfamoney.

For this, you transfer 3.3% of your loan amount (given that the loan is 3000 NIMFA ($ 15000), you have to transfer $ 495). This amount goes to Nimfamoney's decentralized crypto fund.

After transferring 3.3% of your loan amount, you receive 300% of your initial funds into your Nimfamoney account. That is, if you only have $ 5000 to trade on the exchange or buy tokens at ICO, with loan Nimfamoney you have $ 15000 (3000 NIMFA), three times as much! With a loan of 3000 NIMFA you can buy a new token at the new ICO or at the Exchange immediately.

You pay the loan back within 1 and 30 days by transferring 100% crypto your borrowing costs (with zero interest rate) and 10% of your profit on closing positions.

By using blockchain technology, there are many advantages and advantages in participating in this project such as secrets that are completely secure, procedures without personal data, generating up to 260% of additional revenue from investments made by borrowing NIMFA tokens, even NIMFA tokens purchased at ICO Allows us to borrow 3 more tokens.

There is no verification and rejection, decentralization and automatically refill all cryptococcal loan funds by not being controlled by one organization. 2.5% Bonus on NIMFA tokens from all NIMFA tokens purchases made at ICO for each person we invite.

The available tokens are as many as 19,000,000 Nimfa tokens.
1250 Nymph token = 1 ETH
Token Nimfamoney which is scheduled at the end of August is the date of 29-31 August 2017.

ICO Nimfamoney Details:
Nimfa Token
total supply: 100,000,000
ICO PERIOD: 29/08 / 2017-31 / 08/2017
sell 19000000 NIMFA tokens (95%)
ICO PRICE: 1 NIMFA = 0.002 BTC / 0.02 ETH

Allocation of Token Nimfamoney:
Software development allocated as much as 55%
Marketing is allocated as much as 15%
Operational costs allocated as much as 15%
Provision fund is allocated 5%
Law allocated as much as 5%
Unexpected costs 5%

For More you can visit:

my bitcointalk profile : (Sesiaw);u=1146310


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